Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Gateways to Liberation

Led by Bodhananda

The Buddha taught that all phenomena have three ‘marks’: they are all impermanent, unsatisfactory and insubstantial. Seeing these fundamental truths directly can dramatically change the way we relate to ourselves, others and the world.

Drawing on the practices of mindfulness of breathing, metta bhavana, just sitting and mindfulness of the four postures – sitting, walking, standing, lying down – we will seek to cultivate positive, inquisitive states of mind.

Through experiential workshop sessions, we will open directly to the three marks in our moment to moment experience. Each mark or gateway not only opens into others, but also supports the arising of the bodhicitta, the heart-response of wisdom to the suffering of living beings and the urge to realise Buddhahood for the benefit of all.

This retreat is only for Order members and Mitras who are Training for Ordination

Start Date: 12th Dec 2014
End Date: 21st Dec 2014
Price: £360 (Full Price)
(Concessions are available for those unable to afford the standard rate. Please contact us.)