Retreat Calendar

Retreat Rates
  • £441.00 – Full Rate
  • £364.00 – Concessionary Rate
  • £0.00 – Retreat Team members only

Date & Time Details: The retreat starts on the first day at 6.45pm with the evening meal and finishes at about 9.45am on the last day.

Suitable For: Experienced Meditators

Relaxing into the Ground of Being

With Silabodhi and Tejapushpa

September 5 - 12, 2025

This formless ground is variously called mind-as-such, big mind, awareness, no-self, source, true nature, Self, sunyata, Buddha-nature. Drawing on Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts to guide us, our starting point will be grounding ourselves in embodied meditation. As Padmasambhava said “Relax – do not force your mind or body’ and “Know this one thing and everything is freed – remain within your inner nature, your Awareness”.

Recognising that we are trapped in self referential thoughts and beliefs that cause our suffering and separate us from the peace and freedom of our true nature: we will offer somatic and heart-based practices and just sitting/pure awareness practice, alongside inquiry into the nature of conceptual thought, pointing to what Awareness is by seeing what it is not.

Tejapushpa and Silabodhi also lead camping meditation retreats at Buddhafield North. They will bring a flavour of that by making the most of the beautiful natural environment of Vajraloka with open air fires and meditating indoors and outdoors.


Silabodhi has been practising Buddhism for more than 20 years. He’s one of our long term retreat attendees at Vajraloka, which he considers his ‘spiritual home’. He was ordained in 2015 and amongst other things he’s been chair of the Manchester Buddhist Centre for 5 years from 2019 to 2024, the CEO of a small manufacturing business for 32 years, a Meditation and Dharma class teacher for over 10 years, also leading study groups. His practice is very clearly based on inquiry, with a keen interest in seeing through delusion that causes suffering. He’s too interested in current affairs, but…
Learn more about Silabodhi