Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Embodying Love

Led by Rijumitra and Balajit

Metta is seen as a great potential source of happiness in the Buddhist tradition – an openness to and love of life in all its forms – which spontaneously manifests as compassion and joy. Yet the cultivation of metta can sometimes seem very ‘heady’, at times forced and dry. 
How can our practice of kindly awareness gain fresh inspiration? 

On this retreat, we will explore opening to metta as an innate quality of our body, heart and being – literally embodying love. Becoming and being truly embodied is not just a preliminary practice, but integral to the whole path. We will look at effective ways of deepening into the body and heart – through traditional Triratna meditation practices, simple mindful movement and inquiry based exercises.

This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years

Start Date: 21st Mar 2025
End Date: 30th Mar 2025
Deposit: £100
Price: £567 (Full Price) / £468 (Conc Price)