Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Compassionate Freedom

Led by Advayasiddhi

Buddhism often poses a seemingly paradoxical question to us: How to be truly happy and free, yet have the ability to meet suffering intelligently and care deeply for all beings?

On this intensive meditation retreat we will explore and deepen our understanding and experience of personal liberation and how that is possible right here in our moment to moment experience.

At the same time, we will also explore how opening our hearts and deepening our compassion are an intrinsic part of the path to awakening, and how it is possible to deepen this through meditation practice with the support of a dedicated retreat community.

So if you ever wanted to wake up, become freer and more loving, this is for you.

*** Note that this retreat starts on Thursday ***

This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years

Start Date: 17th Apr 2025
End Date: 27th Apr 2025
Deposit: £100
Price: £630 (Full Price) / £520 (Conc Price)